Adjunct Professor, Fashion Marketing @ University of Cincinnati (online)


I believe in business serving as an agent for world benefit. Innovation is the creative catalyst for leaders to develop healthy choices and protocol with an understanding and philosophy of serving others.



2000. Reconnecting with a college roommate and joining her on a jewelry buying trip to Kathmandu. I left my VP of Retail Marketing position at a bank, entered the fashion industry, and never looked back.

2009 After one year of interviewing, I was offered an Assistant Professor position at Parsons, School of Fashion. It was a huge goal for me to return to NYC, the city where I had tried to live once before in 2001. I rose to the challenge to become a leader in fashion marketing finding my niche in social media marketing. I built global presence and credibility, finding joy in the classroom.

2014 I earned my 200 hour yoga teacher certification which exposed a lot of blocks I had covering up unhappiness in my work. I stepped down from my full time post at Parsons, gave away all my things, became a digital nomad in France, freelance fashion startup consultant, and online professor, bringing me to today.


Curious about how to combine and position my background as researcher, professor, marketer, and startup coach to greater innovation work. 

To explore where my interests in change for fashion industry can take hold and be directed.


Identifying opportunities. Being at the future of a trend, visionary leadership. Using my intuition.